About eSeal Certificate

A Legal Entity’s electronic seal (e.g for organizations, companies) is a digital signature attached in a digital document (e.g. pdf) that secures the origin of the signatory and the integrity of the document. Like its handwritten counterpart in the offline world, an electronic seal is a legal concept capturing the signatory's intent to be bound by the terms of the signed document.

What is it used for?

  • In small or large number of digital documents in order to secure the origin and integrity (legal documents, electronic invoices, certifications, letters, etc)
  • In electronic files, to prove their existence at a particular time instance (log files, financial reports, notices, etc)
  • For hard proof of legal representation, in combination with an eSignature from the organization’s legal representative
  • In digital files (e.g. pictures for which you own Intellectual Property Rights) so that ownership information is always visible and available

How to apply for the eSeal Certificate?

Government entities shall be enrolled at NTC's Web RA portal before they are able to apply for certificates from either NTC Issuing CA or Device CA. The Government entity performs the following steps to share the needed details with NTC RA:

  • A representative from the Government entity contacts NTC by sending an email to ntc.certification.info@pki.gov.pk
  • The Government entity representative expresses the Government entity needs in the email
  • NTC RA responds with the necessary information needed from the Government entity representative
  • The Government entity representative is required to fill and submit a form to NTC RA
  • Government entity enrollment form
  • Once the Government entity has been registered with the NTC, the Government entity representative can fill and submit the certificate application form

  • Certificate application form
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